The glossy, purple aubergines could come to your plate in many delicious forms but believe me, this is one of the best dishes! Hardly any oil in these crunchy, delicious aubergine circles and you will come to love them either as a side dish or a starter! It is indeed purple magic!
Aubergines are healthy, versatile, and supremely delicious when prepared with care. The soft middle can absorb a lot of oil like a sponge, so it is wise not to deep fry or add too much oil to any dish you prepare using this vegetable.
I happened to invent this recipe, while casually experimenting with an exciting new recipe with aubergines and was delighted with the outcome. This is a very simple, easy-peasy recipe, but you cannot underestimate the well-balanced taste!
Step by step recipe is given below with all the necessary details. So, let’s make it!
Ingredients Amounts
Aubergines | 2 |
Red chili p. | 1tbsp |
Cumin p. | 1tbsp |
Turmeric p. | 1/2tbsp |
Salt | 1/2tsp |
Cornflakes | 1 cup |
Olive oil | 2tbsp |

How to make:
- Slice the aubergines thinly
- Keep aside
- Crush a cup of plain cornflakes
- Mix all the spices together
- Add a little water and make a thick paste
- Rub the masala paste on both sides of the aubergine circles
- Keep all the slices on a plate
- Now, dust cornflakes on both sides of the aubergine slices
Then, stack all the prepared circles on a plate
- Heat a little olive oil in a flat pan and arrange all the aubergine slices and fry both sides, gently turning occasionally
- Keep the fried aubergines on a stack of tissues for a while and serve immediately
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