Don’t we all love Chinese food simply because of its unique mouthwatering flavours and the most uncomplicated techniques of making them? It’s just a matter of chopping all and dropping all into a pan and giving a quick toss and a turn, pouring in sauces and, voila! job done! It is that easy and the taste is supreme too.
The generous amount of vegetables used in this recipe makes it much healthier and more versatile. While stirfrying the veggies I tried my best to keep their original colours intact which in turn made this dish look absolutely delightful with such an exotic assortment of colours blended together!
I bet, you will stop buying this dish from takeaways once you start making it at home because the homemade chicken in black bean sauce with all the colourful and crunchy veggies will become an instant favourite of your family and friends. There are many brands of black bean sauce available in supermarkets but I have always been loyal to the Blue Dragon brand which has the right balance of flavours and the right thickness to the sauce. Also, Amoy brand soy sauce goes just so well with it.
So, let’s get on with making this glorious dish!
Ingredients you will need:
250g Chicken breasts
4tbsp Black bean sauce
2tbsp Soy sauce
Onions 1
Spring onions for garnishing
Lemon juice
Salt and pepper powder
Bell peppers in all colours, carrots and broccoli
- Rub salt, pepper and lemon juice on chicken and leave for 20 mins
- Heat oil in a pan
- Drop the chicken and stir-fry until chicken is properly cooked
- Heat 1 tbsp of oil in a wok and drop garlic and cubed onion first. Stir fry
- Drop all the veggies and stir fry until cooked enough. Keep them slightly crunchy
- Now, add the chicken and give stir fry all together for a minute or two
- Push all to a corner of the wok. Pour in soy sauce and black bean sauce and let the sauces boil
- Bring all together
- Give a good toss
- Adjust the taste
- Serve hot!
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