Monday 28 November 2022

Miracle Salads for a Flat Tummy: 7 Delicious Recipes for a Week of Healthy Eating

Miracle Salads for a Flat Tummy,

"Eat salads and forget the taste of unhealthy foods!" say the chefs who believe that health and taste can co-exist.

Let’s make it happen today! It’s not as tough as it seems if you put your heart into it and take small steps toward making a real difference.

Miracle Salads for a Flat Tummy,

Low in calories and packed with nutrition, salads are the perfect way to tackle that stubborn midriff bulge.

While it may not be easy, it's essential to learn to love salads as much as you do rich dishes, takeaways, and fast foods. Frightening statistics show that those indulgent foods are the real health risks!

Miracle Salads for a Flat Tummy,

But once you make salads a regular part of your diet, your cravings for high-calorie meals will start to fade. Eventually, your taste buds will adjust, and you’ll find yourself no longer longing for that juicy burger, greasy chips, or heavy takeout. Imagine sitting calmly in front of a friend enjoying a Big Mac without feeling the temptation!

I’ve listed 7 healthy salads that are equally enjoyable in both summer and winter. Feel free to get creative—add more nutritious ingredients and craft your own exciting salad styles. And forget those store-bought dressings; making your own fresh and healthy salad dressings is easy, and you’ll love the taste!

Miracle Salads for a Flat Tummy,

Start Your Weight-loss Journey With These 7 Delightful Salads 

It’s all about creativity when it comes to crafting your own glorious salad, tailored to your mood of the day! The vibrant colors of seasonal vegetables and fruits will not only please your eyes but also tantalize your taste buds. If you’re aiming to shed a few pounds to look your best this summer, these salads are sure to come to your rescue. Try eating only salads for supper for five days and then check your weight—you’ll be overjoyed by the dramatic loss of those extra kilos!

Good luck with your delightful salad-making!

Write down your shopping list with the following;


  • Cucumbers
  • Salad leaves
  • Spinach leaves
  • lettuce
  • Carrots
  • Bell peppers in all colours (red/green/yellow/orange)
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Red onions
  • Avocados

Miracle Salads for a Flat Tummy,

What to toss on salads;

  • Feta cheese
  • Olives - pitted/destoned
  • Eggs
  • Tinned sardines
  • Tinned pink salmon
  • Tinned mackerel
  • Freshly cooked, boiled or roasted fish/chicken/beef
  • Boiled macaroni
  • Plain yoghurts
  • Sweet & sour chilli sauce
  • Runny honey (real bee honey)
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Chia seeds
  • Almond flakes
  • Red kidney beans (boiled at home or tinned)
  • Chickpeas (boiled at home or tinned)
  • Black pepper powder
  • If the weather turns cold, salads might not seem as appealing. To make them more inviting, take the vegetables out of the fridge and let them sit at room temperature for at least 2 hours before preparing your salad.

    Also, remember to add the salad dressing just before serving to avoid a watery mess.

Home-made salad dressings 

Miracle Salads for a Flat Tummy,

The salad dressings featured here are my own creations. I avoid store-bought dressings because they rarely match the quality of my homemade versions, which are crafted from simple, healthy ingredients. With homemade dressings, you know exactly what goes into them! I hope these recipes inspire you to create your own delicious salad dressings with your unique twist!

The basic ingredients needed for a salad dressing;

  • Runny honey
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Lemon juice 
  • Thai sweet chilli sauce
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt & Pepper powder

  • Remember to serve any salad, appealing to the eyes, by keeping the natural colours intact
  • You can prepare the veggies in advance to save time: Cut and slice the veggies and greens and put them all into a glass bowl and cover them with a cling film. Store in the fridge until mealtime. Do not exceed this time more than 3hrs
  • Always opt for seasonal produce which has freshness and flavours intact
  • Remember to add the salad dressing just before serving the salad to avoid a watery mess at the bottom of the bowl
  • Most importantly, serve any salad with the natural colours of greens and veggies intact
  • Always add a few drops of lemon juice to the dressing. Lemon juice helps in absorbing the iron in spinach and red meat efficiently

What you can add to any salad to make it sustainable, healthy, and more satisfying;

  • Sliced boiled eggs
  • Baked or pan-fried chicken breast
  • Steak
  • A cup of boiled chickpeas
  • A cup of black beans or mixed beans in brine
  • Raw spinach and boiled beans
  • Boiled macaroni
  • Mackerel fillets in tomato sauce
  • Croutons – Cubes of bread toasted on the pan or baked in the oven with a dash of butter

How to make croutons


Tossing a handful of croutons on any salad could instantly turn it into a full meal. Salads are devoid of Carbohydrates and usually very light and low in calories. However, if you need to add a bit of carb and make it a filling meal, just by adding croutons, you will be able to achieve your desire.

You'll need;

  • A few wholemeal or white bread slices
  • A knob of butter

Let’s make it;

  • Heat a pan and add the butter. Let it melt
  • Cut the bread slices into squares
  • Drop on the melted butter
  • Keep tossing and turning until both sides are nicely browned and crispy
  • Leave on the pan itself for cooling – This will make it crispier
  • Now, toss on your salad just before serving it
  • Delicious!

Salad Recipes

1) Greek Salad

Greek salad

Greek salad

You'll need;

Iceberg Lettuce 2 cups
Tomatoes  1/2 cup
Cucumber 1/2
Red Onions 1/2
Olives Pitted  a handful
Feta cheese a handful
For the basic dressing 
Apple cider vinegar 3 tbsp
Olive oil 2 tbsp
Salt n black pepper  A few pinches
Honey 1 tbsp
Dried oregano (optional) 2 tsp
Lemon juice1tsp

Let’s make;

Prepare the veggies

  • Shred Lettuce thinly
  • Slice tomatoes
  • Cut the cucumber into thin slices
  • Slice red onions thinly
  • Toss all into a large bowl
  • Drop a handful of black or green olives on top
  • Cover and keep until you make the salad dressing

Make the salad dressing;

  • Add Salt and pepper powder, apple cider vinegar and honey into a small bowl
  • Squeeze the lemon juice in
  • Pour olive oil gradually while whisking rapidly
  • Adjust the taste
  • Done!

Toss the salad with the dressing;

  • Pour the salad dressing into the bowl of veggies and give a good toss using tongs
  • Drop cubed feta cheese on the top
  • Sprinkle Oregano
  • Your beautiful Greek-style salad is ready!
  • Serve immediately!
2) Greens & boiled eggs salad

Green salad

Let’s make;

  • Cut the boiled eggs thinly
  • Make the croutons: Heat a pan, drop a 1/2 tsp of butter Cube two slices of thick wholemeal bread slices and toss into the pan. Toss until well roasted. Keep aside
  • , Shred lettuce, baby spinach cucumber, tomatoes, and red onions
  • Now into a large glass bowl, add raw spinach leaves, lettuce, cucumber, red onions and tomatoes
  • Toss some olives
  • Drop the wholemeal croutons and boiled egg slices
  • Keep aside

Make the French salad dressing

  • Into a small bowl add apple cider vinegar, runny honey, Dijon mustard cream, salt and pepper and give a good mix
  • Pour extra-virgin olive oil while whisking rapidly
  • Squeeze a few drops of lemon
  • Adjust the taste
  • Your salad dressing is ready!

Now, pour it onto the salad and give it a good toss. Serve fresh!

3) Chicken breast and veggie salad with Thai sweet chilli sauce dressing

Prepare the chicken breasts

  • Make a few cuts on the chicken breasts
  • Mix salt, pepper powder, and a dash of soy sauce together and rub on the chicken breasts. Keep covered for 20 mins
  • Add a dash of olive oil into a non-stick pan and pan-fry the chicken until properly done.
  • Slice into thin stripes
  • Keep aside

Make the Thai sweet chilli sauce dressing

  • In a small bowl, add apple cider vinegar, a dash of lemon juice, a tiny bit of salt and pepper powder, and a generous amount of Thai sweet chilli sauce. Mix all together using a fork
  • Now add extra-virgin olive oil while whisking rapidly
  • Done!

Pour the salad dressing on top and serve fresh!

4) Green salad with tinned mackerel 


 Let’s toss it together
  • Slice cucumber, red onions, tomatoes, and lettuce
  • Wash baby spinach and drain the water
  • Add them all into a large glass bowl
  • Toss some croutons and olives
  • On top, drop the whole tin of mackerel fillets with the sauce
  • Drop some croutons
  • Keep aside

Make the Thai sweet chilli sauce dressing

  • In a small bowl, add Apple cider vinegar, a dash of lemon juice, a tiny bit of salt and pepper powder, and a generous amount of Thai sweet chilli sauce. Mix all together using a fork
  • Now add extra-virgin olive oil while whisking rapidly
  • Done!

Pour over the salad and mix gently with tongs.

Serve immediately!

 5) Steak salad with yoghurt dressing

Steak salad

Salad with steak


Prepare the steak

  • Slice steak and rub a dash of salt, pepper powder, mustard cream and soy sauce. Keep aside for 1/2 hr
  • Heat 1tbsp of olive oil and fry both sides until there are no pink bits and they are properly cooked through
  • Cover and keep aside

Make the salad dressing

  • Add a dollop of yoghurt into a bowl and add salt and pepper proportionately
  • Add apple cider vinegar, and runny honey, whisk with olive oil
  • Check the taste
  • Keep aside

Assemble everything together

  • Slice veggies; cucumber, red onions, radish, lettuce, spinach leaves, tomatoes and carrots
  • Drop all into a deep glass bowl
  • Add in the steak
  • Pour in the salad dressing
  • Give a good mix just before serving
  • Delicious!

6) Macaroni salad with creamy yoghurt and mayo dressing

Boil the macaroni and make the salad dressing
  • Boil half a pan of water, add in a bit of oil and salt
  • Drop two handfuls of macaroni shells and boil until soft
  • Keep aside

Salad dressing

  • Add a generous dollop of Greek-style yoghurt or plain yoghurt into a bowl and add salt and pepper proportionately
  • Add apple cider vinegar and runny honey. Whisk vigorously with olive oil
  • Add in a dollop of mayo and mix thoroughly
  • Check the taste and keep it aside

Assemble everything together

  • Slice veggies; cucumber, red onions, lettuce, baby spinach leaves, tomatoes, carrots and bell peppers in all colours
  • Drop all into a large salad bowl
  • Drop the boiled macaroni
  • Pour in the salad dressing
  • Give a good mix just before serving
  • Delicious!

7) Green salad with croutons and Greek Feta cheese

Feta cheese on salad

Let’s make the salad dressing

  • Add honey, lemon juice, sweet chilli sauce and apple cider vinegar into a small bowl
  • Add a tiny bit of salt and black pepper powder
  • Give a good mix
  • Now while gradually pouring extra-virgin olive oil, whisk vigorously
  • Adjust the taste

Let’s get on with the salad

  • Slice tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber and red onions and add all into a wide salad bowl
  • Drop raw baby spinach
  • Toss some black olives in
  • Drop some Greek Feta cheese on top
  • Pour the salad dressing
  • Toss a handful of croutons
  • Done!
  • Serve immediately!


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