Monday 19 December 2022

Vitamin D Is Essential for Your Health: The Life-Saving Sunshine Vitamin

Vitamin D Is Essential for Your

Does Sunlight Contain Vitamin D? 

Sunlight does not contain vitamin D.

While some may believe that sunlight itself has vitamin D, the truth is that when sunlight touches our skin, it initiates a chemical reaction that produces vitamin D within the body.

How do we get vitamin D from sunlight?

When your skin is exposed to sunlight, especially UVB rays, it starts a reaction that turns a substance in your skin into vitamin D3. This vitamin D3 then travels to your liver, where it's changed into another form (25-hydroxyvitamin D). Finally, it's activated in your kidneys into the version of vitamin D that your body needs to absorb calcium, strengthen bones, and support your immune system. 

How important is it to expose oneself to the sun?

Sun exposure is very important for vitamin D production because it’s the primary natural source of this essential vitamin. While you can get some vitamin D from food and supplements, your skin produces the most significant amount when exposed to sunlight. Regular, moderate sun exposure helps maintain healthy vitamin D levels, which are crucial for bone health, immune function, and overall well-being. 

Why is it essential to take a vitamin D supplement?

Vitamin D: A Lifesaver -

The primary goal of this article is to emphasize the critical importance of taking a vitamin D supplement for maintaining overall health and preventing various health issues, especially after you cross your 40s. 

Older adults are at increased risk of developing vitamin D insufficiency, partly because the skin's ability to synthesize vitamin D declines with age. Also, your kidneys are less able to convert vitamin D to its active form in older adults.

I was fortunate that my doctor diagnosed my symptoms before it was too late—aching joints, low moods, and constant fatigue—as a result of vitamin D deficiency. 

By prescribing a high dose of vitamin D,  my doctor was able to resolve these issues before they escalated into irrecoverable, chronic health problems. She then provided me with invaluable advice, emphasizing the critical role of vitamin D in our overall well-being and instructed me to take it regularly. 

The Warning Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency:

As you reach the age of 40, whether you reside in cooler climates or warmer regions, it becomes crucial to supplement with vitamin D to ensure your body functions optimally. When your body lacks adequate vitamin D, it will signal this deficiency through various warning signs, such as:

Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency:

Many people experience symptoms such as those listed below without realizing that a vitamin D supplement could lead to significant improvement within just a few days:

  • Persistent body aches and pains, particularly in the shoulders, feet, knees, and spine (you might even feel as if you’ve aged a century!)
  • Daytime Drowsiness: The persistent urge to sleep during the day and generally all the time 
  • A marked sense of lethargy, laziness and, no enthusiasm to do your daily tasks
  • Unexplained sadness or mild depression - Without a reason, you can feel sad, tearful and miserable even if everything goes well in life
  • Heightened irritability and frustration toward oneself and others
  • Insufficient energy to manage daily activities
  • A general feeling of unwellness and low spirits
  • Frequent cold-like symptoms
  • Frequent aches and pains in the body; legs, knees, arms, shoulders and the neck area

If these mild warning signs are ignored or not addressed with a vitamin D supplement, they can aggravate into more serious health issues which, sometimes, cannot be reversed with medication.

Chronic vitamin D deficiency could cause;

  • Hypocalcemia - a calcium deficiency disease 
  • Hormone imbalance that raises blood calcium levels
  • Bone fragility - bone brittle 
  • Osteoporosis
  • Arthritis
  • Fatigue
  • Bone pain
  • Muscle weakness, Muscle pain
  • Joint stiffness
  • Infections
  • Pregnancy complications
  • Neurological diseases
  • Decay of teeth
  • Obesity 
  • Certain cancers
  • Rapid hair fall
Neglecting these warning signs may result in worsened symptoms and potentially severe health issues. Such issues could necessitate long-term medication, frequent hospital visits, and considerable physical and mental strain.

Do children also require a vitamin D supplement?

Vitamin D: A Lifesaver -

Children need ample sun exposure to naturally produce sufficient vitamin D in their bodies. In tropical regions, where sunlight is abundant, children typically do not require a vitamin D supplement.

Why Vitamin D Is Essential for Your Health: The Life-Saving Sunshine

In colder climates, children might need a regular intake of vitamin D and plenty of food rich in vitamin D. 

Why Vitamin D Is Essential for Your Health: The Life-Saving Sunshine

Your pharmacist can guide you in buying the right dose of vitamin D supplement for your child.  However, it is understandable that sunshine is the best natural source of vitamin D, and children must be encouraged to go out and play in the sun, take bike rides or regular walks in the sun.


Vitamin D: A Lifesaver -

During the winter months in colder climates, vitamin D is essential for both adults and children

Vitamin D supplements may be a lifesaver - but undoubtedly the best vitamin D intake derives from sun exposure.  As mentioned above in this article, when you are older,  you cannot solely rely on sunlight exposure for vitamin D production.  In the winter months, with the lack of sunshine, Vitamin D is not easily available through natural sources.

Concentrate on the following food as a source of vitamin D - make sure you add at least one of them to your daily diet for the best results.

Fatty fish; Salmon, mackerel, panga, sardines

A leisurely walk in the summer sun can do wonders for both your mental and physical well-being. It's no secret that a bright, sunlit day instantly lifts our spirits, filling every corner with warmth and light. The benefits of walking in the sun are unparalleled, offering advantages to your body that no pill or medication can replicate.

Staying in the natural sunlight can benefit you with;
  • Reduce stress levels
  • Keep your weight at healthy levels
  • Fights off depression
  • Make you happier and fitter
  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Making you generally happy and bubbly
  • More energy levels 
And much more!

How to take vitamin D Suplement?

  • The recommended safe dosage of vitamin D is usually 1000IU equals 25mg per day if you do not suffer from chronic vitamin D deficiency.
  • Take one Vitamin D3 1000IU daily for a week which counts up to 7 tablets.  Then, reduce the dose to two or three tablets per week
  • If you suffer from chronic vitamin D deficiency, your doctor will prescribe a high dose for you 

 Important Facts About Taking Vitamin D: 

Consistency with Flexibility

  • For those living in sunny tropical regions, a flexible approach to vitamin D supplementation is safe. Taking the recommended daily dose of 1000 IU for a week, then pausing for two weeks, and resuming again, works well because natural sunlight, your best source of vitamin D, is plentiful
  • In colder climates with limited sun exposure, it's advisable to take 1000 IU at least three times a week or consistently for two weeks, followed by a one-week break, before resuming. Always consult your doctor before mixing vitamin D with other medications, and unless directed otherwise, do not exceed the 1000 IU daily dosage
  • Vitamin D is generally safe and beneficial, particularly if you're experiencing back pain, bone or muscle discomfort, or unexplained mood fluctuations. Trying a daily dose for a week and observing any improvements can guide you. If you notice positive changes, continuing for at least two weeks before taking a break is advisable.

Remember, while supplementation is helpful, making the most of sunny days with regular walks and a healthy diet is equally important. Stay happy, stay healthy!

Source: NHS UK

Vitamin D-rich recipe ideas:

Mackerel salad

Vitamin D: A Lifesaver -

  • Toss all the greens you can think of; baby spinach, lettuce, rocket into a large salad bowl
  • Add in some olives, tomatoes, red onions, cucumbers, and grated carrots
  • Empty a can of mackerel into the bowl and scatter the fish pieces
  • Sprinkle some olive oil and runny honey. You can simply add a spoonful of sweet chilli sauce and mix 
  • Give a good toss and mix until everything comes together
  • Delicious!

                        Egg cup and soldiers

Vitamin D: A Lifesaver -

  • Boil the egg exactly for 4 minutes
  • Place in the egg cup and, give a gentle tap on the egg and crack the egg shell.  Open the top of the eggshell and sprinkle a little salt and pepper powder
  • Toast a couple of bread slices and spread butter generously
  • Cut the bread into stripes 
  • Now, dip in the egg and enjoy!

My special thanks go to the following individuals for their contributions to the photographs featured in this article:

Thilini Damunupola

Matheesha Illeperuma

Carys Cowling



Viyath Abeywardena


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  8. This article is very useful and well explained. I used to experience joint and back pain, but after I started taking vitamin D, the pain disappeared. I still take vitamin D daily. Thank you so much for this valuable article. Wishing you the best of luck!

  9. This article is very useful and well explained. I used to experience joint and back pain, but after I started taking vitamin D, the pain disappeared. I still take vitamin D daily. Thank you so much for this valuable article. Wishing you the best of luck!

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